Page 2 - 31. Don't Trash our Future .... Recyle it! - Part 4.pdf
P. 2
Extracting raw materials from the earth’s core releases harmful ash and
gas into the air which causes air and water pollution. However, when we
recycle scrap metal, reuse plastic and aluminium we reduce the need for
the use of natural resources. Therefore, recycling protects the
environment by reducing the release of harmful gases/greenhouse
emissions which negatively affect climate change.
Greenhouse gases include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and
chlorofluorocarbons (CFC’s). They absorb heat energy rising from the
Earth’s surface and re-emit some of that heat towards the ground causing
unnatural warming. This warming drives other changes in our environment
such as flooding, droughts and food shortages. Therefore we must recycle
to reduce the occurrence of such phenomena where possible.