Page 77 - ECU_Annual_Report_2018
P. 77

Annual Report 2018      EASTERN CREDIT UNION

                                         Nomination Profiles 2019
                                                 Credit Committee

                                           KIRK FERGUSON

                                           PLACE OF WORK: Ministry of Education
                                           CREDIT UNION EXPERIENCE:
                                              •   Introduction to Credit Union Organization & Management
                                              •   AML/CFT Certified
                                              •   Member for thirty (30) years

                                           JEMILA GUERERO

                                           PLACE OF WORK: Cipriani College of Labour& Cooperative Studies
                                           POSITION: Quality Assurance Officer
                                           CREDIT UNION EXPERIENCE:
                                              •   NONE
                                              •   Member for five (5) years

                                           MAHMUD MUHAMMAD

                                           PLACE OF WORK: Former Police Officer – Ministry National Security
                                           CREDIT UNION EXPERIENCE:
                                              •   Introduction to Credit Union Organization & Management
                                              •   Member for twenty-five (25) years

                                                                              NAVIGATING THE FUTURE TOGETHER      75
   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82