Page 2 - 26.Millennial Financial Issues Part 1.
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Millennial Financial Issues

                                                        Part 1.

        The  Millennial  Generation,  also  known  as  Generation  Y  or  the  Net

        Generation, has been recognized with variety of birth ranges going as far

        back as 1976. Howe and Strauss however, define the Millennial cohort as

        consisting of individuals born between 1982 and 2004.

        There  are  several  issues  which  affect  the  financial  stability  of  this


        1. High Debt – High debt is often incurred due to loans and credit cards

            taken to acquire items considered as necessities such as a vehicle or

            when furthering education. This means at the end of the month, most

            of your income is committed to paying several bills instead of being free

            for use at your disposal.

        2. Low Income – Many employers are currently offering low wages while

            demanding  more  based  on  the  current  economic  situation.  Many

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