Page 3 - 26.Millennial Financial Issues Part 1.
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persons  have  also  been  faced  with  the  issue  of  unemployment  or

            alternatively have several jobs or a side hustle to make ends meet.

        3. Inability to Acquire Property – Due to contract work and low wages, it

            is difficult for a single person to qualify for a  mortgage to acquire a

            property. Therefore many persons are left to rent or continue living with

            their parents for longer than they may like.

        4. Inability to Save – With low income and high debt, it is difficult to save

            cash for a rainy day. Many are struggling to pay their monthly bills far

            less to assign money to save. However we must be reminded that it is

            better to pay ourselves first, in that we need to ensure we can take care

            of ourselves in the event of an emergency.

                                                                                                    To be continued …

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