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Annual Report 2018      EASTERN CREDIT UNIONAnnual Report 2018      EASTERN CREDIT UNION

                                 Nominating Committee Report

                                  for the period May 2018 - April 2019

           1.  Introduction
           The Nominating Committee of Eastern Credit Union Co-operative Society Limited for the term May 2018-April
           2019 comprised the following persons:

                                        Committee Member             Position on Committee

                                  Director Marlon Phillips         Chairperson
                                  Director Wayne Estrada           Member
                                  Mr. Gary Cross                   Member
                                  Mr. Christopher Power            Member
                                  Ms. Helen Bernard                Member

           Director Wendy Williams served as Chairman of the Committee from the start of the term until her resignation on
           25  March, 2019. Subsequently, Director Marlon Phillips was appointed Chairman with effect from 28th March,
           2019. Additionally, Director Wayne Estrada replaced Director Wendy Williams effective 28 March, 2019.

           2. Committee’s Mandate
           In keeping with its mandate as outlined in section 24 of the Bye- Laws, the Committee focused on the gaps which
           exist in the present Board of Directors, Credit and Supervisory Committees and the skill sets needed in closing the
           gaps to realize the vision of the Society. As a consequence, the Committee created a list of competencies to guide
           the selection of persons willing to serve. It also embarked on training in an effort to present suitable candidates
           for service.

           3.  Training Iniative
           Credit Union Organisation and Management Programme
           The Committee conducted its 9  Credit Union Organization and Management Programme during the period
           15 September to 13  October, 2018.  The Programme provided training in ten (10) modules and attracted fifty
           (50) participants comprising employees and members of Eastern Credit Union as well as employees of other
           Credit Unions. The Credit Union Management and Organisation Programme in addition to providing training for
           prospective nominees, provides the benefit of entry into the Cipriani College of Labour and Co-operative Studies
           Diploma, Associate Degree and Degree Programmes.

           It is proposed to pursue this training initiative and to mount a Part II or Advanced Programme for those persons
           who successfully completed the Introductory Sessions.

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