Page 68 - ECU_Annual_Report_2018
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EASTERN CREDIT UNION      Annual Report 2018

           4.    Nominations
                  Eligibility Criteria
           In accordance with Bye-Law 24 (a), the Nominating Committee has responsibility for the selection of suitable
           members who are willing to be considered for election to the Board, Credit and Supervisory Committees.

                     A suitable candidate must:
               a.  Be a “member in good standing”, i.e.  a member who has not violated the terms of his loan contract.
               b.  Be over the age of 18
               c.  Be a citizen of Trinidad and Tobago or a person lawfully admitted permanent residency who is ordinarily
                  a resident in Trinidad and Tobago.
               d.  Save an additional 100 shares, $500.00, between January 1 , 2018 – December 31 , 2018
               e.  Meet the Fit and Proper criteria under the Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago Act.
               f.  Not be an un-discharged bankrupt.
               g.  Not be of unsound mind  and has not been convicted of
                  i.     An indictable offence.
                  ii.    A criminal offence involving dishonesty in connection with the promotion or management of a
                         corporation or co-operative
                  iii.   An offence involving fraud
               h.  Officers of other credit unions should not be allowed to serve on the Board or Committees  of Eastern
                  Credit Union
               i.  Persons with litigation against Eastern Credit Union should not be allowed to serve on the board or
                  Committees of Eastern Credit Union.
               j.  A grace period of three years must elapse before former employees of the Eastern Credit Union become
                  eligible to serve as elected officials.

           Nominations were opened on 10  December, 2018 and closed on 18  January, 2019. A total of thirty-two (32)
           applications were received. Of these, fifteen (15) were for Board, ten (10) for the Supervisory Committee and
           seven (7) for the Credit Committee.

           5.  Selection
           Upon receipt of the Nomination forms the following steps were taken:
           The Committee engaged the services of the Internal Auditor to verify that requirements were met.
           Having applied our scrutiny, we set interviews which were held on diverse dates during the period 20  February,
           2019 to 16  April, 2019.

           6.  Recommendations
           The following candidates were recommended:

           Alana Blackman                                                       Francisca Lassalle
           Darius Figuera                                                          Lindhurst Murray

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