Get In Yuh Section Carnival Loan

We are just over 2 weeks away from the Greatest Show on Earth and that means 2 weeks left in Eastern Credit Union’s “Get in Yuh Section” Loan promotion.

Just to remind you of the 4 Sections:

  1. Like Yuh Self Section – Consumer loans where you can borrow up to 5 times your Shares Balance. So, to give you an idea

Share Balance

Maximum Loan Amount

Monthly Installment










Apply for one and have a chance to win a weekend for 2 to Tobago at the Magdalena Grand Beach & Golf Resort

  1. Move in Style Section – Vehicle Loans. Get your new ride to take you to all your Carnival events or to explore our beautiful island. Apply for a vehicle loan and have a chance to have your Insurance Premium paid.

New Vehicle Loan

Used Vehicle Loan

$200,000 for 7 years - $2,915.79 monthly installment

$150,000.00 for 5 years - $3,323.20 for 5 years

  1. Fix Up Yuh House Section – Take advantage of the Dry Season and do those renovations that you have been putting off. Borrow a minimum of $25,000 and give yourself a chance to win furniture and/ or appliances valued up to $12,000.00. For a payment as low as $553.87 a month for 4 years you can fix your home and have a chance to win furnishings.
  2. In the Save De Environment Section, you can borrow to install a CNG kit or solar panels to reduce your gas and electric bills. Borrow for this purpose and you can win up to $20,000.00 to write off your loan. For a monthly installment of $937.67 for 24 months, you can get $20,000.00 to do your part in preserving the environment.

So, don’t forget, just about 2 weeks to “Get In Yuh Section” and a chance to win various prizes.