Ordinary Shares

An Ordinary Share is a unit of ownership interest in a corporation or financial asset. As a shareholder you are entitled to an equal distribution in any profits that are declared in the form of dividends.

To become a member of Eastern Credit Union you must purchase at least one (1) share valued at $5.00. Members are required to make a minimum share contribution of $500.00 annually.

  • Dividends are paid on share savings annually.
  • Share savings are covered by insurance.
  • In the event of your death, benefits are transferred to your beneficiary.
  • Shares are covered by insurance for a maximum benefit of $30,000.00.
  • Your shares are your nest egg for the future.
  • Your shares are means of security and are used as collateral for loans in times of need.
  • Your share savings represent a demonstration of thrift – the ability to manage money wisely and profitably.

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