Welcome To Our New Digital Banking
New To Digital Banking?
First-time users to our new system are required to complete a brief enrollment process by clicking the 'Enroll Now' button to activate your account. You will receive a one time only password and be required to set up additional security questions for account access.
Enroll NowThis is a private system operated for the exclusive use of our members. Any unauthorized access or use is not permitted and constitutes a crime punishable by law (18 USC 1030).
Online and Mobile Banking
Eastern Credit Union is pleased to introduce Eastern Connect, our Online and Mobile Banking service.
The introduction of this new service is in keeping with Eastern Credit Union's commitment to provide superior service to our members. Eastern Connect will allow members 24-hour online access to their accounts. Members will therefore be able to access their accounts on the go, anytime, anywhere safely and securely.
Click on the link below to find out more about Eastern Connect.
pdf Eastern Connect Online and Mobile Banking Brochure (4.82 MB)
Apply for access to Online Banking
Members Matter Most
At Eastern Credit Union we're committed to keeping your accounts and financial information safe and secure, from when you sign on to Eastern Connect Internet/ Mobile Banking Services to the time you sign out. Security is our number one priority when it comes to your personal information. As such, we have incorporated security features to ensure the safety of all transactions on our ONLINE applications, including:
- Meeting high industry Internet security standards by enforcing the use of 128-bit encryption browsers.
- Installing firewalls and monitoring our systems to prevent unauthorized access to our internal systems and maintain the safety of your information.
- Developing and implementing security enhancements to further protect Eastern Connect Online/ Mobile information and sessions.
A Shared Responsibility
To ensure you are protected under the Internet Security Guarantee, you must do your part too. That means you must
Carefully select your Eastern Connect Internet / Mobile sign-on password. Never select a password or Access Code that is the same as or similar to an obvious number combination such as your date of birth, bank account numbers, ATM PIN number or telephone numbers.
Install and maintain up-to-date firewall and virus protection software on your PC or wireless device.
Do not respond to pop-ups, emails, or other Internet requests that ask you to reveal personal information about yourself or your Eastern Credit Union accounts. Eastern Credit Union will never send you unsolicited emails asking for your password or personal account information. We will never ask you to validate or restore your account access through unsolicited email.
- Review your statements and report any errors in a timely manner.
- Assist us in any investigation into improper access to your accounts.
By working together, you can help us protect your financial and personal account information.