Page 26 - ECU_Annual_Report_2018
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EASTERN CREDIT UNION      Annual Report 2018

               Board of Directors Report for the Fiscal Year 2018

           1. Board Members
                   Following the 44  Annual General Meeting the Board of Directors comprised of the following persons:

                   President                   Wayne Estrada
                   Vice President                  Marlon Mark Phillips
                   Secretary                                         Ronald Bobb
                   Asst. Secretary             Francisca Lassalle
                   Executive Director          Gerard Mathews
                   Director                                 Cyril Barran
                   Director                             Wendy Williams
                   Director                    Janelle Benjamin
                   Director                    Clyde Herbert
                   Director                    Lindhurst Murray
                   Director                    Kendra Persad
                   Director                    Stephanie Benjamin
                   1  Substitute               Richard Noray
                   2  Substitute               Lyndon Williams

                   In August 2018 Director Stephanie Benjamin resigned. The first substitute Mr. Richard Noray, filled the
                   consequent vacancy in accordance with our Bye-Laws and became a full member of the Board.

           2. Executive Management Team
                   Our Executive Management Team comprised the following persons:

                   Group Chief Executive Officer             Conrad Enill

                   Deputy Chief Executive Officer            Steve Albino

                   Group Financial Comptroller               Sherry Ann Mc Donald-Joseph

                   Group Executive Manager,
                   Human Resources                           Jessell Moraldo-Cumberbatch

                   Group Executive Manager, Marketing,
                   Research and Business Development         Kester Regis

                   Executive Manager, Branch Operations
                   and Financial Advisory Services           Stacey Bravo-Chaitram

                   Ag. Executive Manager, Credit
                   Administration                            Anne Marie Alexander

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