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EASTERN CREDIT UNION      Annual Report 2018

           The new home of the Chaguanas Branch is located at 74, Ramsaran Street, Chaguanas while our Sangre Grande
           Branch is to be relocated to premises at the corner of George Street and Eastern Main Road, Sangre Grande.
           The Board will continue its efforts to improve the environment for both staff and members.

           8. Industrial Relations
           The Board of Directors is pleased to announce that after a protracted period of negotiations agreement was
           reached with the representative trade union, the Banking, Insurance and General Workers Union (BIGWU) for new
           Collective Agreements for our employees in Bargaining Units 1,2 and 3 for the periods March 1, 2016 - February
           28, 2019; May 1, 2015 - April 30, 2018 and August 1, 2016 - July 21, 2019 respectively. We wish to extend our thanks
           to the parties involved for their contribution to an amicable settlement and look forward to an enhanced spirit of
           productivity in the months and years ahead.

           9. Attendance at Conferences
           In its continuing effort to afford elected officials and staff, to participate in conference and training programmes
           both locally and abroad, to keep abreast of developments that impact on the operations, the undermentioned
           conferences and seminars were attended by our delegates/ nominees.
               •   Caribbean Development Education Programme (CaribDE) - Jamaica - March
               •   Caribbean Conference of Credit Unions - Trinidad - June 2018
               •   World Council of Credit Unions - Singapore - 2018
               •   Annual Leadership Conference of the Credit Union League of Trinidad and Tobago (CCULTT)

           10. Affiliate Organisations
            a) Co-operative Credit Union League of Trinidad and Tobago (CCULTT)
           We maintain our membership with this umbrella body and participated in some of their activities, inclusive of
           credit union month. One of our Directors Mr. Wayne Estrada is a member of the Board.

           b) North East Regional Chapter (NERC)
           By us being a League member, we are part of this Chapter. Mr. Wayne Estrada served as President, Mrs. Gloria
           Rolingson as Secretary, whilst Mr. Ronald Bobb, Ms. Janelle Benjamin, and David Taitt served as Directors. Mrs.
           Wendy Williams served on the Supervisory Committee.Monthly Chapter meetings are held on our compound at
           La Joya.We participate in all the Chapter activities.

           c) Association of Credit Union President of Trinidad and Tobago (ACCUPTT)
           We continue to be a member of this body and take part in some of their social and business activities which
           address current issues.

           d)  Central Finance Facility (CFF)
           The Society’s affiliation with them is supported by our shareholdings of $200,000.

           e) CUNA Caribbean Insurance
           This is one of our trusted partners, who continue to provide us with insurance protection through its products
           and services, which enable us to become financially secure. The Family Indemnity Plan (FIP) is one of them.

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