Page 31 - ECU_Annual_Report_2018
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Annual Report 2018      EASTERN CREDIT UNION

           11. Acknowledgement
           The Board of Directors wishes to express its gratitude and appreciation to all members of staff, under the leadership
           of former CEO Conrad Enill and Ag. CEO Steve Albino for their commitment to duty.

           We also wish to thank the outgoing Directors whose terms of office have come to an end. These include Asst.
           Secretary Francisca Lassalle and Directors Clyde Herbert, Lindhurst Murray and Richard Noray, all of whom made
           invaluable contributions to the leadership team during the year.

           We thank all the members of the Supervisory, Credit, Nominating and Education Committees who performed
           their roles in an exemplary manner.

           12. Obituaries
           We express our sincere condolences to relatives and friends of our deceased members who passed during the
           calendar 2018, among them was former director and distinguished member, Mr. Cuthbert Alvarez.

           Abelto, Christiana         Ali, Shalima              Bain, Glenford             Bernard, Chobwera
           10/7/18                    4/18/18                   7/8/18                     8/18/18

           Abraham-Alleyne ,Marva     Ali, Sheldon              Baird, Charles             Blackman, Dixie Ann
           11/11/18                   12/26/18                  9/4/18                     8/8/18

           Adams-Cordner, Julia       Allen, Kelvin             Balkaran, Steve            Blake, Isla
           6/3/18                     4/1/18                    4/29/18                    9/25/18
           Agard, Thelma              Alleyne, Elmo             Baptiste, Philmore         Blondell, Jameson
           6/19/18                    7/7/18                    4/6/18                     2/4/18
           Agard, Annis               Alleyne, Mervin           Baptiste, Leonard          Blugh, Elna
           11/1/18                    9/12/18                   4/17/18                    8/21/18

           Agostini-McShine, Marva    Alvarez, Cuthbert         Baptiste  Shaquille        Boatswain, Joseph
           6/25/18                    8/20/18                   4/18/18                    4/6/18

           Albert, Claudette          Andrews, Courtney         Baptiste, Nicole Hazel Ann   Boisselle, Cynthia
           8/26/18                    10/28/18                  5/1/18                     9/11/18
           Alexander, Hendrickson     Archibald, Nickel         Baptiste, Hayden           Boodhi, Manghroo
           4/2/18                     7/31/18                   7/11/18                    5/25/18
           Alexander, Herbert         Arnold, Omaj              Baptiste, Beresford        Boodoo, Binmatee
           4/20/18                    9/23/18                   9/14/18                    4/23/18

           Alexander, Jerome          Arrendell, Kevin          Barnwell, Marva            Borrel, Sharon
           5/27/18                    8/6/18                    10/4/18                    8/14/18

           Alexander, Simon           Ashton, Joseph
           7/22/18                    4/21/18                   Bartoo, Rupnarine          Boucaud, Yvonne Cynthia
                                                                1/22/18                    10/13/18
           Alexander, Roslyn          Augustus, Michelle
           11/14/18                   2/16/18                   Beckles, Roy               Brathwaite, Keith
                                                                6/16/18                    1/31/18
           Alexande, Nevin            Ayers-Solomon, Ann Marie
           11/22/18                   10/5/18                   Beckles, Mona              Brathwaite, Joan
                                                                7/12/18                    8/12/18
           Alexander, Kelvin          Bacchus-Baptiste, Veronica
           12/18/18                   4/4/18                    Bedasie, Boodoo            Brathwaite, Teddy
                                                                5/8/18                     8/17/18

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