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Annual Report 2018      EASTERN CREDIT UNION

                                 Supervisory Committee Report

                                for the period May 2018 to March 2019

           The Supervisory Committee is pleased to report that during its tenure it has endeavoured to deliver its mandate
           to the best of its ability and has achieved this with the cooperation and assistance of staff and members of Eastern
           Credit Union.

           Composition of the Supervisory Committee

                                        Committee Member             Position on Committee
                                  Ms. Deborah Picou                Chairperson
                                  Ms. Anne-Marie Arnaud-Thomas     Secretary
                                  Ms. Maria Ann Joseph             Member

                                  Ms. Stacy Alleyne                Member
                                  Mr. David Taitt                  Member
                                  Ms. Camille Rolingson            1  Substitute
                                  Ms. Dionne Compton               2  Substitute

           The Committee held its inaugural meeting on Tuesday 29  May, 2018.  Ms. Deborah Picou and Ms. Anne-Marie
           Arnaud-Thomas were selected as Chairperson and Secretary respectively.

           Up to the time of submitting this report the Supervisory Committee has held twelve (12) Statutory meetings
           during which we have examined and discussed many issues, as we pursue our duty as “watch dogs” over the
           operations of the Board and Committees on behalf of the membership.

           In the course of our reviews we have been responsible for making sure that the Board of Directors and Management
           Team met the required financial reporting objectives, established practices and procedures sufficient to safeguard
           members’ assets.  This helps to avoid any impropriety and mismanagement of the members’ money.

           Supervisory Committee Training

           The Supervisory Committee recognizes the need for training to enable the team to perform at optimum levels.
           Training has enabled the Committee to expand its knowledge base, develop its expertise and by extension, make
           informed decisions.  The Committee was afforded the opportunity and graciously participated in the following
           training programmes.

               •   The Internal Auditor’s Function of Supervisory Committees   12  May, 2018
               •   CCCU Conference                                          5 - 20  June, 2018
               •   Eastern Credit Union’s Annual Elected Official’s Retreat          6  - 8th July, 2018
               •   CaribDE                                                  13 - 18  January, 2019
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