Page 43 - ECU_Annual_Report_2018
P. 43

Annual Report 2018      EASTERN CREDIT UNION

               5.  Property Management
                  During the year under review the Board took a number of strategic decisions with respect to the
                  refurbishment, renovation and relocation of the Sangre Grande and Chaguanas Branches.  We are pleased
                  and recognized that these were done all with a view to providing the membership with a higher quality
                  of service and members of staff with a more comfortable work environment so that productivity could
                  be maximised.

                  Although we know plans are afoot on the Las Viviendas land purchase in Valencia, we are still unsettled
                  by the slow pace of progress thus far. But we are excited and indeed hopeful.  However, this is a reminder
                  that the membership still awaits the keys to their “rent to own” houses, townhouses, and apartments.

               6.  Review of Delinquency
                  The Committee must applaud Management and the team. They all have been working assiduously to
                  reduce the figure to a single digit and, moreso, to achieve a delinquency target of under 5%.

               7.  Review of Files
                  The  Supervisory  Committee  has  undertaken  examinations  of  sample  files  including  those  of  Elected
                  Officials, High Risk, AAD (Accelerated Approval Disbursement), Closed, General Loans and vehicle loan
                  files.  We identified that some of the discrepancies and instructions given by the Credit Administrator,
                  Signatories, Internal Audit Department, Loan Supervisors and Branch Managers were not addressed in
                  the files.  We are humans and we are not infallible but we have a reputation to uphold and a responsibility
                  to our members and their money. The Committee besieges all to exercise care and efficiency, ensuring
                  due diligence and compliance to avoid possible financial losses to our faithful Cooperative.

               8.  Concerns Addressed and Recommendations
                      (i)    Although major work has been done to ensure file information is reflected in the system,
                             there still needs to be greater follow up urgently on Loans and Files. The Committee supports
                             continuing staff training and feedback sessions for greater efficiency.

                      (ii)   Loan Collaterals are being updated and monitored.

                      (iii)   The frequent changes at the level of Executive Management may not be in the best interest
                             of the organization.  This could be reduced by affording experienced professionals, contracts
                             of longer duration than two (2) years, in order to retain and maximize intellectual capital, and
                             invaluable human resources and better succession planning.

                      (iv)   Elected Officials, we have been given a fiduciary responsibility to serve our members.  This
                             is very serious.   The Supervisory Committee was elected by our ultimate authority and
                             given observer status, in accordance with Bye-law 22 (e), (viii). This must be respected and
                             recognized by all and seen as an honour by us ensuring that due diligence and compliance
                             are adhered to in the examination of the affairs of the society.  So, we must work as a team,
                             with a purpose and a vision, towards a more promising future.

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