Page 6 - ECU_Annual_Report_2018
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EASTERN CREDIT UNION      Annual Report 2018
           EASTERN CREDIT UNION      Annual Report 2018

           President’s Message

                                                                      ur Regulator - Members of the office of the
                                                                OCommissioner of Co-operative Development
                                                                (CCD): our National Bodies: the Co-operative Credit
                                                                Union League of  Trinidad and  Tobago (CCULTT)
                                                                Directors, Directors of the Association of Co-operative
                                                                Credit  Union  Presidents  of  Trinidad  and  Tobago
                                                                (ACCUPTT), and directors of the Central Finance
                                                                Facility (CFF); our credit union brothers and sisters
                                                                who support us; our specially invited guests and
                                                                of course our members, inclusive of three Group
                                                                Executive Managers  who recently  acquired their
                                                                International Credit Union Development Education
                                                                (ICUDE) designations, and whose efforts have once
                                                                again placed us in a position of pride amongst our
                                                                peers; welcome to Eastern Credit Union’s 45  AGM
                                                                where you will discover that once again we have been
                                                                successful in the management of our collective affairs.

                                                                There continues to be challenges brought on by the
                                                                current state of the economy, but challenges can
                                                                be  overcome  with  collaboration.  We  are  extremely
                                                                pleased to report to you that despite everything, we
                                                                have been able to satisfy our auditors that we have
                                                                complied with all the required standards and therefore
                                                                our 2018 audited accounts are unqualified. You would
                                                                recall that in 2016 and 2017 we received qualified
                                                                accounts as a result of our IT system failure. I am happy
                                                                to advise that these matters have been resolved
                                                                satisfactorily and we are ready to face the future much
                                                                stronger today. We thank our management and staff
                                                                for their continued efforts and also advise that we
                                                                have settled the outstanding agreements between
                                                                our organization and the union with respect to
                                                                improved terms and conditions of employment... We
                                                                continue  to collaborate with  others  in our  business
                                                                and together we continue to improve.

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