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Annual Report 2018      EASTERN CREDIT UNION

           Together, members, we can therefore report that      as compared to last year’s contribution of $800,000.
           we have grown in many areas and we see additional    We are in the process of developing a plan to enhance
           potential for growth. After the challenges that we   our income stream by way of acquiring, developing
           faced with our IT infrastructure which is now behind   and selling real estate.
           us, we have focused on building a sustainable        As we reflect on the year just concluded there is much
           business. This is why our current focus is on our service   that we have achieved, but as we look to the future
           delivery. Through deliberate upgrades to our branch   we see signs that we must be concerned about, and
           infrastructure we are striving to provide excellent   therefore for 2019 our theme is Navigating the Future
           service to our members.                              Together.

           As we look to the future we will also focus on the   We began this journey by recognizing that we needed
           quality of governance, our recruitment and retention   a New Experience, A New Reality and a New Attitude.
           policies, our promotion and training agenda and      Then we embraced change and as the circumstances
           its  relevance  to our  new  circumstances. Your  Board   changed supported what we owned, we supported
           of directors continues to support network wide       our credit union. Today we must navigate our future
           training  for  staff and  elected officials  in  a  range  of   together.
           skills designed to make ECU a more relevant credit
           union, able to deliver in today’s environment.  This   We must continue to explore our strengths, reduce our
           includes sales training for all front-line staff and their   costs and provide for our new members. Technology
           supervisors; more robust onboarding processes for    is changing the way business is being conducted and
           elected officials and realigning the staff group to meet   therefore we  must embrace technological change
           the needs of the contemporary business model.        or we  may become irrelevant. Our  challenge  will
                                                                continue to be how to serve our current members
           We know that our strategies are appropriate because   while attracting new members.  Your board has
           they are delivering the results that we planned. Our   equipped the management with the tools necessary
           financial performance continues to improve as we     for this task and we look forward to their ideas and
           expected and in  2018 our results were better than   solutions with great anticipation.
           2017, our assets increased by $84,078,886; our shares
           by $26,219,594; deposits by $33,307,233; and our     I wish to place on record my thanks to the leadership
           surplus by $2,433,748.  The active engagement by     provided to this organization by the management who
           the Board, management and staff with the external    steered us through these difficult times supported
           auditors on IFRS 9 implementation has accounted for   by your Board of Directors, we have stabilized the
           some level of increased efficiency in the performance,   organization and we will continue to build on our
           but  it  has also  highlighted the  need  for a  more   foundation of people helping people.
           diversified income stream.
                                                                I look forward to a very positive meeting today.
            EPL Properties Limited, our subsidiary, must now play
           a greater role in the performance of the credit union
           EPL’s mandate is to provide the parent with a measure
           of diversified income, and this year its contribution to   Wayne Estrada
           the Society is expected to be in the region of $1 million   President

                                                                            NAVIGATING THE FUTURE TOGETHER      5
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