Page 11 - ECU_Annual_Report_2018
P. 11
2) Strengthened ECU’s Compliance Programme.
3) Engaged fellow credit unions on the new International Financial Reporting Standard(IFRS) 9.
4) Changed the governance structure to reflect the amended Bye-Laws, by electing a Secretary to
the Board of Directors from among Directors.
5) Strengthened relationship with the Co-operative Credit Union League of Trinidad and Tobago,
North East Regional Chapter, Association of Co-operative Credit Union Presidents of Trinidad and
Tobago, Central Finance Facility and Caribbean Confederation of Credit Unions.
6) Shared space at ECU’s facilities, and services with fellow credit unions.
He also indicated that ECU intends to work towards:
Building a mini La Joya type facility in Tobago
Providing added shared services to credit unions
Strengthening ECU’s fit and proper and fit for purpose policies.
The President acknowledged the under-mentioned former Presidents of Eastern Credit Union and other
specially invited guests in attendance:
Mr. Reynold Cooper - Former Head of the Public Service & Former President of Eastern
Credit Union
Mr. Thomas Henry - Former President of Eastern Credit Union
Mr. Gary Cross - -do-
Mrs. Gloria Rolingson - -do-
Ms. Alana Blackman - -do-
Mr. Nigel Matthew - -do-
Mr. Lennox Marcelle - -do-
Mr. Martin Minguel - President, Rhand Credit Union
Mr. Aldric Neptune - Police Credit Union
Ms. Rhonda Joseph - Co-operative Division, Ministry of Labour and Small Enterprise
Ms. Debra Ann Scott - -do-
Mrs. Paula Labarrie-Mitchell - -do-
Mrs. Andrea McKenna-James - -do-
CUNA Representatives - CUNA
Mr. Dwayne Rodriguez-Seijas - PricewaterhouseCoopers
Ms. Krystle George -do-
Mr. Kerry Benjamin -do-
Ms. Kai-Leigh Phillip - Girwar and Deonarine (Attorneys at Law)
Ms. Esme Raphael - President, Central Finance Facility