Page 35 - ECU_Annual_Report_2018
P. 35

Annual Report 2018      EASTERN CREDIT UNION

           William, Polycarp          Williams, Lenora          Williams-Reyes, Josette    Woods, Earl  Aston 5/13/18
           1/19/18                    6/9/18                    8/11/18
                                                                                           Worme, George
           Williams, Kayreen          Williams-Davis, Cynthia   Wilson, Cherry             12/7/18
           1/24/18                    6/28/18                   2/7/18
                                                                                           Worrell, Rita Muriel
           Williams, Pamela           Williams-Oscar, Ingrid    Wiltshire, Claire
           2/24/18                    2/14/18                   10/3/18                    5/22/18
           Williams, Mavis

           13. Conclusion
           Eastern Credit Union continues to be a leader in the movement, not only in Trinidad and Tobago but the English-
           speaking Caribbean. We will continue to review our policies in Governance and operations, as well as develop
           infrastructure to ensure we deliver quality products and service in an environment suited for business.This being
           the case, we have started to gather data in pursuit of our new strategic plan for the period 2020-2022. We will
           continue pushing for performance that is second to none for the benefits of our members.

                                     MEMBERSHIP OF BOARD-APPOINTED COMMITTEES

                                  (1)                                                   (5)
                          WAIVER COMMITTEE                       FINANCE, INVESTMENTS AND TENDERSCOMMITTEE
                         Wayne Estrada-Chairman                                Cyril Barran - Chairman
                            Gerard Mathews                                         Ronald Bobb
                             Richard Noray                                        Lyndon Williams
                       Lyndon Williams (Substitute)                                Kendra Persad

                                  (2)                                                   (6)
                  INFORMATION COMMUNICATION AND                             DELINQUENCY COMMITTEE
                       TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE                                   Ronald Bobb - Chairman
                        Wayne Estrada - Chairman                                   Kendra Persad
                             Clyde Herbert                                        Lindhurst Murray
                         Alexi Jordan (Co-opted)                                   Delroy Burris
                        Keith Risbrooke (Co-opted)
                                  (3)                                     RISK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE
            CORPORATE GOVERNANCE& BYE LAWSCOMMITTEE                           Clyde Herbert - Chairman
                       Gerard Mathews - Chairman                                  Gerard Mathews
                             Wayne Estrada                                        Lindhurst Murray
                             Wendy Williams                                       Wendy Williams
                               Cyril Barran                                        Richard Noray
                            Janelle Benjamin
                                  (4)                                   SALES AND MARKETING COMMITTEE
              HUMAN RESOURCES/INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS                           Janelle Benjamin - Chairman
                              COMMITTEE                                            Wayne Estrada
                        Marlon Phillips - Chairman                               Francisca Lassalle
                            Francisca Lassalle
                             Kendra Persad
                       Sheldon Baptiste (Co-opted)

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